Edible Flowers: soon to be an eBook


December 2023

Edible Flowers: A Kitchen Companion will soon be available as an eBook for ALL platforms:



San Diego Union Tribune, Dec. 16, 2015:

View the article:

Lavender Shortbread Cookies (San Diego Union Tribune)

Click on the link for the article:

Shortbread blossoms with lavender

December 2023 (soon to be an eBook)

Details: Print copies (out of print)

Edible Flowers: USD15.95

Shipping media mail in the US ONLY: USD3.00

California tax if applicable:  USD1.30

Completely revised and updated

A number of new recipes, with color food and flower photography throughout. A lovely gift book!

The first two PRINT editions are now out of print. An eBook will be out in mid 2023

Praise for the FIRST EDITION of Edible Flowers:

Cravings. http://www.cravingsmagazine.com.au.

 Whether sweet of peppery, edible flowers always make a dish more refreshing and beautiful. Now with this pocket-sized guide, you can follow the lead of professional chefs who have reinvoked Victorian tradition by incorporating edible flowers into all types of dishes. . . Online purchase information.

“Informative 80 page hardcover includes history, lore, and inspiring photographs. . . easy to follow recipes include Begonia Strawberry Pie and Zucchini Blossom Frittata. . .” Lucy Wing, food editor, Country Living magazine, New York, April 1996


  1. Hi Kitty! So excited to see you on TV!! congrats. Am very happy to see Edible Flowers make it’s comeback… I would like 3 copies… Love, Daryl

  2. Kitty,

    I am the President of the Carlsbad Garden Club and would like to know if you address
    local groups; we would be especially interest in edible flowers as we grow a few!
    I think it would be a most interesting and educational program for our group!
    I look forward to your reply.
    Thank you for your time and consideration.

  3. Kitty,
    I was not able to see your presentation in May 2016 to the San Diego County Herb Society. However, I did see one of your presentations, several years ago and enjoyed it very much. Would you be interested in talking about your most recent book and edible flowers to the Ramona Garden Club ?

  4. Hi Kitty,
    Janet Crockett (Manager of The Huntington Store) forwarded a copy of your lovely book to our Botanical Director, Jim Folsom. He forwarded it on to me. We were wondering if you’d be willing/able to do a talk here at The Huntington Library with a book signing option. We have 2 different lecture series here at The Huntington. One is our 2nd Thursday Garden Talk series which I curate (afternoon talk); the other is the California Garden Series handled by Jim. Those talks take place on Sunday afternoon – usually the 4th Sunday in the month.
    Please let me know if you have an interest in participating in our talk program. We have a modest honorarium for our speakers which I’ll be happy to discuss if you feel that this would be something you’re interested in doing. Thank you for your time.

  5. I recently reviewed the book for the San Diego Floral Association magazine, California Garden. (Loved it!)
    I’d be pleased to send you a copy if you send me an address.


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