Kitty Morse

Cookbook Author, Food and Travel Writer

Kitty Morse

Cookbook Author, Food and Travel Writer

About Kitty

Kitty Morse A bit of text about Kitty that is expanded on in the main bio pages (one in English and one in French).

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And in French (link)

Latest from Kitty

Newsletter – The Kasbah Chronicles

Greens to fend off the Corona Virus, April 2020

Since I belong to the age group that should stay away from supermarkets, I decided to keep up a steady supply of greens during the  quarantine by joining the CSA at the family farm down the street. Faced with an overabundance of kale, chard, and beet greens, I...

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The Kasbah Chronicles: January 2024

Bitter Sweet Updates m Musings First, an email scam warning Please note if you "follow" me on Facebook (I very rarely post on Facebook.) My "messenger" account on Facebook (which I avoid), has been hacked. Before replying or clicking on REPLY to a message that comes...

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Kitty’s Books



OUT OF PRINT -- Bored with spaghetti? Tired of rice? Discover the exotic world of couscous! Fluffy and foolproof, couscous cooks in in less than...

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The California Farm Cookbook

The California Farm Cookbook

Take California's bountiful food producers and ask them for their best recipe for their favorite crop, then add brilliant photos and interesting...

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