Mint Tea and Minarets, a memoir of Morocco with recipes, the project that has taken up 10 years of my life is a finalist in the San Diego Book Awards. Please send good vibes my way on June 9th, the day the winners are announced!


My musings on muguet des bois struck a chord last month, from a reader who used to live in the Middle Atlas Mountains:

“Oui, je connaissais un endroit derriere un rocher pas loin de chez nous a Ifrane ou il y avait du muguet.  Je l’avais decouvert par hasard et j’etais emerveillee par la beaute de ces petites clochettes. Je devais avoir 7 ou 8 ans. Et ce parfum si delicat . . .”


to another who picked muguet in Switzerland:

“I was so happy to receive this month’s letter from you regarding the Muguet and wanted to tell you that when my husband and I lived in Geneva, we would go into the woods every May 1st and dig up some beautiful muguet des bois which we would plant in our little garden.  We always celebrated that each year . . .“ 


and a Michigan tradition:

“Thank you for this special greeting – I especially appreciate the information/history about my birthday flower (May 8th) and used to enjoy harvesting them in Michigan each Spring . . .” 


Thank you all!


Oregano Pizzete

serves 2

A fleeting bout of spring rain was enough to send my oregano plant into a bloomin’ frenzy. One day the little bush looked about ready to expire, and the next, it had turned into a powder puff of flowers. I love the blooms’ delicate pink color, and their subtle fragrance. Celebrate their brief appearance and make use of the tiny blossoms.


2  5-inch pizza crusts

2 tablespoons virgin olive oil

2 medium tomatoes, thinly sliced

4 ounces sliced mozzarella

2 tablespoons oregano blossoms, separated


     Preheat oven to 350 °F.  With a small brush, paint crusts with olive oil. Line with tomato slices and mozzarella. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of blossoms evenly over 2 crusts. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes or until cheese melts. Garnish with reserved blossoms. Serve hot. 

 PS: Let’s not forget the leaves! Many Moroccans swear that an infusion of dried oregano leaves cures a stomachache