Classes and book signings:

May 14, 2016:

Benefit cooking class for the San Diego French-American School. Private event.

May 21, 2016.

San Diego Herb Society. Members only.

Looking ahead:

To fun events in June, July, September, and October 2016.

Looking back:

Culinary Historians of San Diego:

Nan Sterman, host of KPBS’s A Growing Passion, and I gave a presentation for the Culinary Historians of San Diego. Whether your interest lies in food history, cooking, San Diego restaurants, ethnic markets, or local farms, this organization spices up body and soul!

Fullerton 2

Fullerton Arboretum:

Mark your calendar for next year’s “Green Scene” held each April at the Fullerton Arboretum on the campus of Loma Linda University in Fullerton, CA. This is such a huge event with over 100 vendors, speakers, and experts in all fields relating to gardening and even Edible Flowers! Check their website for next year’s date. Bring a wheeled wagon, comfortable shoes and a hat! There are serious gardeners out there!

Myrtle Creek goats

If you haven’t visited Myrtle Creek Nursery in Fallbrook, you are in for a treat. The nursery was awash in blooms in late April, and the quaint gift store was filled with items not seen anywhere else. The small Café Bloom provides space for a respite. And they rescue GOATS!