The Kasbah Chronicles

Les Chroniques de la Kasbah


Happy Valentine’s DAY

Bonne Fête de Saint Valentin


Kitty in the media:

WineDineandTravel magazine: California’s historic HIGHWAY 395

Podcast with Kitty: Moroccan cuisine: an overview

Classes and presentations

Links of interest

News of Morocco and beyond

Moroccan items for sale


     I perch on the edge of another momentous birthday, I need to salute two centenarians in my life: Flor, my mother’s first cousin, who reached this milestone last August—and whose voice sounds as lively today as that of an 18-year-old’s; and Irene, who has reached 103 and was one of the very first passengers to join me on my gastronomic tour along the Kasbah Trail three decades ago. What role models!

Covid and confined — with a BIG difference: My husband and I got our first dose of the vaccine. Funny how a weight has been lifted from our shoulders—even though we need a second dose.

The confinement has not put halt to my work. I am knee-deep in family history spanning WWI and WWII—recipes from Alsace-Lorraine included, bien sûr.

My thoughts return to last year at this time: I was in heaven petting the whales in Baja California and making snowballs in Baja’s sierra. That trip has kept my wanderlust at bay for the past 12 months, but enough already!

Je voudrais saluer deux amies centenaires : cousine Flor, qui a passé le cap en août dernier, et Irene, qui va avoir 103 ans! Toutes deux dignes de ma profonde admiration.

GROSSE différence entre ce mois de confinement et mes dernières Chroniques : mon mari et moi avons finalement obtenu la première dose du vaccin. Si vous regardez les nouvelles, vous savez que les USA ont été lents à démarrer. J’espère que les choses se sont mieux passées chez vous. On respire mieux, mais à 6 pieds de distance! Heureusement que l’an dernier à cette date, j’ai pu aller au Mexique, en Californie du Sud caresser les baleines !

Virtual presentations:

Spices in Moroccan cooking

Friday, Feb. 26, 2021



Registration required

Coronado Public Library (and it is a beautiful one!)

The use of cumin in tagines and other Moroccan dishes. This is a great program sponsored by the library called Spice it Up, Coronado! FREE! But you need to register.

Facebook and Instagram:

Kitty in the media:

Looking for a sort of STAYCATION (nouveau mot à la mode: en vacances près de chez soi.)

Un autre voyage très sympa en janvier 2020.

Here is my article on California’s Highway 395—a slice of historic California

Kitty and a Podcast:

Moroccan cuisine: influences and history

Apricots in Silicon Valley even rate their own museum: Abricots de Silicon Valley.

Il ne faut pas oublier qu’avant de devenir le paradis des techies, Silicon Valley était couverte d’arbres fruitiers notamment des meilleurs abricotiers du pays.

I was thrilled to read the article on apricots, and had to share my apricot adventures in Silicon Valley. I visited several farmers in late 1999—among them the famous Mariani orchards in Morgan Hill, CA. Andy Mariani, who is still in business, is one of this country most knowledgeable stone fruit experts ( (They ship!) He shared a recipe for The California Farm Cookbook (Kitty Morse, Pelican Publishing).

CALIFORNIA APRICOTS: A History (and a recipe)

Mariani Orchards’ Apricot-Amaretto Sandwiches

“On our family farm,” says Andy Mariani of Mariani Orchards, “autumn is a favorite time of the year.”  The tall, dark-haired, and soft-spoken Andy is proud to carry on the family tradition–one begun by his forefathers who originated in Vis, an island off the Dalmatian Coast.  The senior Mariani began farming in California in 1932, finally settling in the idyllic Morgan Hill area of the Santa Clara Valley–the perfect location to grow plump apricots and sweet cherries.   Andy’s brothers and sisters help in the running of the orchard as well as in the ever-expanding mail-order business.  “Fruit grown elsewhere in California doesn’t seem to have the sweetness ours do,” says Andy, who credits the high quality of the Mariani fruit to the proximity of the ocean, and to a cool growing season.  The delicious result of the Mariani’s labors is evident when biting into the oversized, dried Blenheim apricots which they use to make their superb Apricot Amaretto-Sandwiches.

Marzipan OR almond paste (available in supermarkets or specialty food stores)

Almond extract or Amaretto liqueur

Jumbo, dried Mariani apricots to suit

Guittard A’peels dipping chocolate (#9760)

If using marzipan, which is sweeter than almond paste, use a few drops of almond extract or Amaretto to cut sweetness.  Roll marzipan or almond paste into a log shape, until it reaches the same diameter as the apricot half.  Cut round patties about 1/4″ in width.  To assemble sandwich, trim apricot half to perfect circle on sheet of wax paper.  Place almond paste patty on top, and cover with second apricot half.  Squeeze slightly so filling adheres to apricot.  Trim to size.  If smaller sandwich is preferred, simply cut in half.  For extra special treat, dip sandwich in melted chocolate.  Let cool on wax paper.  Store in airtight container until ready to eat.

Note:  Almond paste is available in bulk from large bakeries.  Commercial marzipan found in supermarkets tends to be very sweet.  Guittard A’peels dipping chocolate #9760 is specially formulated to stick to dried fruit.  You can order the 2″ wide jumbo apricots directly from the Marianis.

Flashback to Mint Tea and Minarets: a banquet of Moroccan memories, and our historic medina of Azemmour.

Azemmour vu du ciel 2020 Nous vous proposons des vues d’Azemmour comme vous ne les avez jamais vu.

Speaking of COVID: United Imaging Healthcare (UIH), grand acteur international dans le domaine des équipements médicaux, a introduit le tout premier système de dépistage Covid-19 en Afrique.

Did you know ?
French in Africa: French is the official language of 21 countries in Africa. (They don’t mention North Africa, but they should!

Nouveau mot de vocabulaire:

New FRENCH WORD: OVER THE TOP !!! I leave it up to you to translate.

Un afterwork au bureau, des amis à la maison, une envie d’Alsace, un match de football, basket ou rugby…

Received from Morocco: I love the spellings…« le nouveau président (djo baidn donc bay bay korona »

Bon appétit! A la prochaine!
