Please join me at Kitchen Lingo in Long Beach, CA, on Saturday, Feb 24 from 1 to 2PM. I will give a presentation on Bitter Sweet, and sign books!

Kitchen Lingo is a unique store on the most lively street in Long Beach it seemed like. Than you Matt for your enthusiastic welcome. Be sure to check the store link ( to view all the activities Matt offers other than book signings: food tours! Cooking demos! Knife skills.. He doesn’t miss a beat. The most fun for me is meeting readers at my signings. Indeed, one of the attendees was visiting from France, had read my intro, and asked about one of my relatives.. because of his last name, is the same as my mother’s maiden name, DARMON. I am investigating.

And on Feb. 24th, I was honored to be featured on the Zevely Zone, a popular segment on cbs8 San Diego. Thank you Jeff Zevely!