$100.00 for the pair plus shipping

During my tours to Morocco, I always made sure we could observe a local dada (professional cook) make bestila from scratch using a bestila pan… by hand of course.

The pair goes together because:

  1. The pan with an aluminum base, TBSIL DIAL BESTILA  is used as a baking pan to bake the bestila

2. The pan with the copper base, TBSIL DIAL OUARKA is the one used to make ouarka (hand made Moroccan style filo dough). The pan is set over glowing coals and a small amount of dough is patted on the surface “like the hoof prints of a camel” using the tips of your fingers. I describe the process in my books Mint Tea and Minarets and Cooking at the Kasbah.

I used a similar copper based pan in Morocco to practice making ouarka, as instructed by a dada. This pan has only been use for display of for a photo shoot in the US.