ANCHORAGE Here I Come! Sept. 23-30, 2016

I am getting excited! My book tour to Alaska is merely 2 weeks away. If you happen to read this post, and if you know people in Anchorage, please feel free to share the following information. Three other San Diego authors are joining me for this first author exchange...

NEW CLASSES, summer 2016

Coming soon, my Alaska schedule for the end of September. BUT: My summer got busier! Le Creuset Outlets is opening a new outlet store in San Clemente, CA. Sunday, July 17, 1 to 3PM Free and open to the public 101 Vista Hermosa Suite 628 San Clemente CA (Next to...

Summer 2016 Morocco news

News of Morocco and beyond: In Casablanca in May 2016? The Fondation ONA, Morocco’s leading cultural foundation, is sponsoring a retrospective of the works of my friend Abderrahman Rahoule, one of Morocco’s leading modern artists and director of the Ecole Supérieure...

Media and reviews 2016

Kitty in the media: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Alpha Phi magazine: Missed the show on Edible Flowers on San Diego’s CW Channel 6? See it here!...

The Kasbah Chronicles April /May2016

More Chilean adventures I did it! Behind me, Volcan Osorno I wasn’t quite done with a report of my trip to Chile in March. I hit the ground running soon after my return, yet “Northern Patagonia” and “Atacama Desert” still sound so exotic that I can hardly believe I...