Classes and presentations Spring and Summer 2016

Classes and book signings: May 14, 2016: Benefit cooking class for the San Diego French-American School. Private event. May 21, 2016. San Diego Herb Society. Members only. Looking ahead: To fun events in June, July, September, and October 2016. Looking back: Culinary...

The Kasbah Chronicles February 2016

Musings: Author Celebration makes for strange bedfellows: I was honored to be included in the 50th celebration for local authors at the Central Library recently, but I had to chuckle at the juxtaposition of titles. Nothing against the subjects, however! Some of you...

My interview on Pink Pangea

This lovely travel site bills itself as a travel site for women. Very interesting and informative, and they published an interview about Mint Tea and Minarets: a banquet of Moroccan memories Published on Pink Pangea on December 31, 2015 at this link: Indulging in...