The Kasbah Chronicles November 2015

Musings:   Chef David Thorne of Elysian restaurant in Glendale, CA THANKSGIVING at THE KASBAH: In need of “comfort food” I broke my tradition of basting a turkey inside and out with PRESERVED LEMON PULP to prepare a TURKEY COUSCOUS from Mint Tea and Minarets: a...

San Diego Living Show, Channel 6, NOV. 2015

This link to San Diego’s Channel 6, the CW, San Diego Living should be accessible until December 2015, I hope. It was great fun on Monday, November 9, 2015 San Diego Living, 9AM Mint Tea and Minarets Please...

Extra! Kasbah Chronicles, November 2015

Rain! Sun! Santa Anas in November! Ocean water at 70 degrees, also  in November? El Nino is really rearing its head! All I can say at this moment, is that I still do a little rain dance when water actually FALLS FROM THE SKY! My sweet Scottie, Olive, now 12 years...

The Kasbah Chronicles/ September 2015

Musings: Well, I did it! Conquered seasickness and visited Alaska with my mother. You may recall I asked for ideas for shore excursions in my last newsletter. Thank you to those who acted upon that request. Our 7-day Holland America cruise was an unexpected pleasure....