The sound of a dove

  Our Scottie, Olive, takes us for a walk just about every afternoon. Often, she insists we drive her to Oceanside Harbor where she chases after pigeons and gulls, frolics on the grassy strip, and picks up “messages” at the base of each palm tree. It’s amazing...

Author of the Day December 26th on!

Take a break from the Xmas celebrations and visit There , you will find loads and loads of recipes to inspire you for your New Year’s Eve bash–and many other occasions. Yours truly will be the featured author that same day On Dec 22, 2012, at...

Happy Thanksgiving from the kasbah

     Happy Thanksgiving!   Photography by Owen Morse Squash and Sweet Potato Purée with Red Bell Pepper Confetti I can hardly believe that November has come around again. Somehow, the fact has difficulty sinking in when it is 90 degrees...

Mahia, Moroccan fig brandy

Did you know?Morocco’s Sephardic Jews are known for their special mahia, a brandy made from figs. POTENT!  Distilling the Taste of MoroccoDavid Nahmias keeps a family tradition alive by making mahia, a Moroccan fig brandy, in America...

Belated October post/pomegranates

  Finally! Two advance copies of Mint Tea and Minarets: A Banquet of Moroccan Memories arrived at our front door. A couple of thousand more should arrive from Hong Kong by November 20, 2012.    With  327 pages, 32 original recipes, and 99 food...