Kitty Morse

Cookbook Author, Food and Travel Writer

Kitty Morse

Cookbook Author, Food and Travel Writer

The Kasbah Chronicles Jan/Feb 2012

February 2 marks La Chandeleur (Candlemas), when crêpes are de rigueur on French tables–a tradition my mother upheld all the while I was growing up in Casablanca. Simply sprinkled a crêpe with a little powdered sugar, and celebrate! Another cause for celebration...

A HOT couscous soup for a cold night!

Joyeuses Fêtes and Happy Holidays! (to paraphrase a Moroccan proverb)   To each of you, I send a box filled with sesame seeds.   Each seed representing one hundred wishes for peace, health, and happiness in 2012   Bonne Année, Bon Appétit and...

Kitty “Author of the Day” on

Dear Kitty, We are very pleased that on December 7 youwill be featured as the Author of the Day on This means your name and photo will be on the home page — the first thing our visitors see when they click onto the site! >We hope you will let...

The Kasbah Chronicles/November 2011

In time for Thanksgiving My great-grandmother’s Cassolita Winter Squash with Caramelized Onions  Serves 4  This baked squash dish traditionally complements the couscous of Tétouan, a city in Northern Morocco. In our family, cassolita or cazuelita ...

The Kasbah Chronicles/Tagine of Quince

  October 2011   Nothing surprised me more two or three years ago, than to learn from one of my “foodie” cousins in Paris, that “Alloween” (with silent “h”, sic) had taken root in France. Dozens of sites initiated novices to la soirée...