San Diego Living appearance was fun!

How can it NOT be fun when Jim Bratton, host of San Diego Living, took OFF his shoes before coming on the set, so we could better see eye to eye. That didn’t happen! Jim was charming and easy going, and VERY TALL, and he liked my Sesame Nigella Almond sprinkle!...

Encore preserved lemons

This is why I get such a kick out of teaching Moroccan cuisine:   “I still think about the class I attended at Vista Jazzercise!  I enjoyed the evening so much! In fact, I decided to make “Preserved Lemons” as Christmas gifts this year. I...

Cruisin’ California and more (cont.)

         Incroyable! Our Southern California summer has turned out to be a strange one. Only yesterday did I sample the first vine-ripened heirloom tomatoes my friend Andrea grows on her organic farm/B and B (

Cruisin’ Around California Missions:

In June, a wedding in Ashland (OR) gave us the opportunity to drive to Oregon, and stop at California missions and practically every independent book store along the way to drop off copies of A Biblical Feast. (See the list here: ) I LOVE car trips. It’s so easy to...

Community Supported Agriculture Hits Rabat!

 I grant you this is a strange post for my California Farmers page, but I thought it fit perfectly in the spirit of California farming. CSA (Community Support Agriculture), or “subscription farming” has arrived on the outskirts of Rabat. Many...