Food Articles

Happy Thanksgiving from the kasbah

     Happy Thanksgiving!   Photography by Owen Morse Squash and Sweet Potato Purée with Red Bell Pepper Confetti I can hardly believe that November has come around again. Somehow, the fact has difficulty sinking in when it is 90 degrees...

Mahia, Moroccan fig brandy

Did you know?Morocco's Sephardic Jews are known for their special mahia, a brandy made from figs. POTENT!  Distilling the Taste of MoroccoDavid Nahmias keeps a family tradition alive by making mahia, a Moroccan fig brandy, in America...

Belated October post/pomegranates

  Finally! Two advance copies of Mint Tea and Minarets: A Banquet of Moroccan Memories arrived at our front door. A couple of thousand more should arrive from Hong Kong by November 20, 2012.    With  327 pages, 32 original recipes, and 99 food...

Of Sardines and Pelicans

     The first day of Fall snuck up on us, though the temperature would fool anyone into thinking we were still in midsummer.      Along North San Diego County’s portion of Highway 101 (the highway that hugs the Pacific Ocean from...

The last of the orange blossoms

April 2012 Little did I realize the meaning of chronic pain until I was subjected to a shoulder spasm that is now entering its seventh month.           How the spasm came about remains a subject of debate, but my personal...

A HOT couscous soup for a cold night!

Joyeuses Fêtes and Happy Holidays! (to paraphrase a Moroccan proverb)   To each of you, I send a box filled with sesame seeds.   Each seed representing one hundred wishes for peace, health, and happiness in 2012   Bonne Année, Bon Appétit and...

Beating the Heat at the Kasbah!

July 2011 (recipe for salmorejo is below) Dear friends: Sitting at my desk under the relatively cool skies of Southern California, I can’t help but feel sorry for those of you sweltering in the heartland, and up and down the East Coast. The fact that 143 MILLION...

Encore fava beans!

A New Way to Cook with Fava Beans! Leaves included! Some of you may know of my taste for fresh fava beans, that most underrated bean, at least among US cooks.   Fava beans always come to mind at this time of the year, especially around Easter and Passover....

A Valentine’s Day Treat: Blood Oranges!

A lovely Blood Orange Mimosa  OR Would a mousse better satisfy your sweet tooth?   Blood Orange Mousse in Chocolate Cups Serves 8    Syrup: 1 cup fresh blood orange juice 1 tablespoon lime juice ¼ cup sugar 1 teaspoon finely grated orange peel...