
Heritage Radio Network interview April 2014

Cathy Erway hosts the most informative radio show "Eat your Words" on the Heritage Radio Network out of Brooklyn, New York. Mint Tea and Minarets, and Moroccan cuisine are the subjects of this episode. //  OR...

Why I chose to self publish

WHY DID I WRITE MINT TEA AND MINARETS? HERE IS THE EXPLANATION:  Dianne Jacob, who writes a wonderful blog for food writers, invited me to give the reason why:  Agent Couldn’t Sell Her Memoir, so Cookbook Author Publishes it Anyway...

Into the whirlwind of book signings

My updates are few and far between, and I apologize.The reason? Mint Tea and Minarets is taking off, and that is most exciting!  My schedule of presentations is growing busier by the day. For that, I am thankful, as well. To view the next venue, check my webpage labeled "classes and...

The sound of a dove

  Our Scottie, Olive, takes us for a walk just about every afternoon. Often, she insists we drive her to Oceanside Harbor where she chases after pigeons and gulls, frolics on the grassy strip, and picks up “messages” at the base of each palm tree. It’s amazing how many new friends she makes...

Thoughts on the Olympics and more!

The big news is that Mint Tea and Minarets: A Banquet of Moroccan Memories, is off to the printer’s. A hard copy of the book, as well as a flip book, will be available soon on the Mint Tea and Minarets page. The opening ceremonies of the London Olympics take me back to 1984 (so long ago!) when I...

Listen to Kitty on Web Chats, Podcasts

Should you be sitting in front of your computer at these designated times, you can chat with me about Moroccan cuisine. Monday, April 7, 2014: 1PM Eastern www. HeritageRadioNetwork.Org  Show: Eat Your Words with Cathy Erway. The first  web chat will  air live online, on Friday, Oct....

Mint Tea and Minarets finalist in the San Diego Book Awards

It's official! Mint Tea and Minarets: Chronicles from the Kasbah is a finalist in the 2012 San Diego Book Awards. Please send good vibes my way on June 9th, the day the winner is announced! My latest book, a memoir of "my" Morocco with 34...