Published Articles

Wine Dine and Travel, award-winning emagazine

In addition to writing cookbooks, I have long written travel features focusing on foods of all sorts, from how to make couscous in the style of Casablanca, to food markets around the globe. Truth be told, my favorite pastime, wherever I am,  is to meet local growers and producers, be it...

Morocco Travel Links August 2015

I am always available for a phone consultation anytime. Simply contact me, and we can set up an interview after you go through Paypal to pay the fee. I recently came across these links that provide the very latest and HIPPEST information on what's happening in Morocco: Here they are: Travelling to...

Musings on Hotel La Mamounia/May/June Book signings

Conde Nast Traveler’s website recently flashed across my screen, along with their list of “the world’s most romantic getaways.” Knowing how fond the magazine is of these “best of”  lists, I clicked on the link....

Cruisin’ California and more (cont.)

         Incroyable! Our Southern California summer has turned out to be a strange one. Only yesterday did I sample the first vine-ripened heirloom tomatoes my friend Andrea grows on her organic farm/B and B ( There was never quite enough...

Cruisin’ Around California Missions:

In June, a wedding in Ashland (OR) gave us the opportunity to drive to Oregon, and stop at California missions and practically every independent book store along the way to drop off copies of A Biblical Feast. (See the list here: ) I LOVE car trips. It’s so easy to forget, on a day-to-day basis,...

Community Supported Agriculture Hits Rabat!

 I grant you this is a strange post for my California Farmers page, but I thought it fit perfectly in the spirit of California farming. CSA (Community Support Agriculture), or "subscription farming" has arrived on the outskirts of Rabat. Many well-to-do Moroccans, as well as the large expat...

Kitty Cooks Moroccan in Milwaukee

 KITTY IS COOKING IN MILWAUKEE! Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 5-7PM Friends of the UWM Golda Meir Library present Tastes of Morocco   Presentation and book signing followed by a sampling of Kitty’s dishes UWM Hefter center 3271 N. Lake Drive Milwaukee WI 53211 $20 nonmember...

Bay Area Impressions

   I wanted to share the interesting experience I had on my way to the airport for my Bay Area appearances at Le Creuset stores, last Saturday at 5:45 AM—my shuttle was a no-show. Panicked, I called the company several times: they did finally send a driver 45 minutes later, and I made my...