In the Media

My interview on Pink Pangea

This lovely travel site bills itself as a travel site for women. Very interesting and informative, and they published an interview about Mint Tea and Minarets: a banquet of Moroccan memories Published on Pink Pangea on December 31, 2015 at this link:...

San Diego Living Show, Channel 6, NOV. 2015

This link to San Diego's Channel 6, the CW, San Diego Living should be accessible until December 2015, I hope. It was great fun on Monday, November 9, 2015 San Diego Living, 9AM Mint Tea and Minarets Please...

Kitty quoted in Moroccan magazine

November 2014: Imagine my surprise when in Casablanca when friends and neighbors Yves and Marie Paule asked me. “Have you seen your name in the new magazine Zamane?” I hadn’t, but was honored to be credited in an article on Estebanico/Al Zemmouri, the man from...


Of course, this is a momentous date only for me, and for my mother. I just wanted to hare what being an American means to me after 50 years! This piece was first published in the Los Angeles Times, pre-Internet, I believe! AUGUST 15, 2014  An Immigrant’s story...

ALO Magazine/Mint Tea and Minarets

MInt Tea and MInarets and recipes reviewed in Alo magazine is dedicated to the Middle East and North Africa: “ALO magazine has served as a forum for understanding the Middle Eastern culture and a tool for...

After the fires/May 2014

The lingering smell of smoke from the terrible fires in San Marcos (about 7miles east of us) has evaporated.  The breeze swept away the film of burnt ash that covered our patio. What a sinking, heartsick feeling to stand on our rooftop terrace and view the...

Heritage Radio Network interview April 2014

Cathy Erway hosts the most informative radio show "Eat your Words" on the Heritage Radio Network out of Brooklyn, New York. Mint Tea and Minarets, and Moroccan cuisine are the subjects of this episode. //  OR...

Writer’s Digest Critique, October 2013

I entered Mint Tea and Minarets in the following contest, and though it didn't win, I appreciated the critique:   21st Annual Writer’s Digest Annual Self-Published Book Awards   Entry Title: Mint Tea + Minarets:  a banquet of Moroccan Memories  ...