Kasbah Chronicles/Newsletter Archives
Greens to fend off the Corona Virus, April 2020
Since I belong to the age group that should stay away from supermarkets, I decided to keep up a steady supply of greens during the quarantine by joining the CSA at the family farm down the street. Faced with an overabundance of kale, chard, and beet greens, I...
The Kasbah Chronicles: June 2024 KCRW Santa Monica radio interview
To my dismay, I realize how infrequently I post news on my website. I give all my news in my sort-of-monthly blog, The Kasbah Chronicles, which I send out through Substack. I always mean to post the blog here, and then I forget. If you need to reach me please leave a...
The Kasbah Chronicles: January 2024
Bitter Sweet Updates m Musings First, an email scam warning Please note if you "follow" me on Facebook (I very rarely post on Facebook.) My "messenger" account on Facebook (which I avoid), has been hacked. Before replying or clicking on REPLY to a message that comes...
The Kasbah Chronicles: Summer 2022 Musings and More! NEW COOKBOOK COMING
THE KASBAH CHRONICLESApril to June 2022and aHappy Fourth of July(already?) Bestila filled with Sweet Shredded ChickenRecipe in Mint Tea and Minarets (easier to make than it looks!) Musings A pet peeve: book theft A quote from Gertrude Stein Street Legacy,...
The Kasbah Chronicles: SPRING 2022 has SPRUNG (finally)
The Kasbah Chronicles APRIL 2022 On the trail to aptly-named Inspiration Wash Borrego Springs, Southern California's desert Musings Links of interest en français and in English COME AND SAY HI!Couscous de la Mimouna demonstrationSunday, APRIL 24,...
The Kasbah Chronicles: February 2022, New beginnings
THE KASBAH CHRONICLESFebruary 2022 https://mailchi.mp/194fda95a1c4/the-kasbah-chronicles-newsletter-re-emerging-february-2022 https://winedineandtravelmagazine.com/wdt/koningsdam/ Sent from my iPhone Let's try to emulate Theo Van Gogh.We all need to find beauty...
December 2021: The Kasbah Chronicles, a belated post
THE KASBAH CHRONICLESGOOD BYE 2021 FOR A BON REVEILLONNEW YEAR'S EVEand toRING IN LA NOUVELLE ANNEE AT THE KASBAH MINT TEA WILL GIVE WAY TOA CHAMPAGNE TOASTwith several glasses of effervescentCrémant d'Alsace Derive inspiration from San Diego artists. What to they...
The Kasbah Chronicles: October 21 belated post!
The Kasbah Chronicles Les Chroniques de la Kasbah In English and en français Now it its 13th year C’est la 13ième année VIVE l’HALLOWEEN The French have adopted our custom. C’est vraiment too much! Celebrated in my mother’s hometown of Châlons-en-Champagne...
The Kasbah Chronicles: October 2021 C’est l’Halloween!
The Kasbah ChroniclesLes Chroniques de la KasbahIn English and en françaisNow it its 13th yearC’est la 13ième année! A FIERY SUNRISE IN VISTAVIVE l’HALLOWEEN The French have adopted our custom. C’est vraiment too much!Even in my mother’s hometown of...
The Kasbah Chronicles: Valentine’s edition 2021
MUSINGS The Kasbah Chronicles Les Chroniques de la Kasbah Happy Valentine’s DAY Bonne Fête de Saint Valentin In Praise of CENTENARIANS Kitty in the media: WineDineandTravel magazine: California’s historic HIGHWAY 395 Podcast with Kitty: Moroccan cuisine: an...