Kasbah Chronicles/Newsletter Archives
The Kasbah Chronicles: Last of the decade! Bye Bye COVID…
The Kasbah Chronicles Les Chroniques de la Kasbah In English and en français This book tree looks as if it is created from copies of Mint Tea and Minarets! I wish! Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année Musings Will COVID soon tiptoe out of the picture? Covid, va-t-en. On...
The Kasbah Chronicles 2020:Thanksgiving—covid go away!
In English and en français Les Chroniques de la Kasbah The Kasbah Chronicles When we could travel: Kitty in Tien An Men square (1984) When we could entertain: My husband built and decorated our Moroccan tent so we could throw our diffas (Moroccan feasts): Yes, that is...
The Kasbah Chronicles: October November 2020
These seals at Oceanside Harbor have the right idea: Wake me up when COVID is over... MUSINGS The Kasbah Chronicles Les Chroniques de la Kasbah In English and en français Musings Notes on my next cookbook A new twist on a Moroccan classic Links of interest News of...
The Kasbah Chronicles: July 2020
A PERSONAL MILESTONEUnder Confinement 50 years and counting!ThenNowOur confined celebration!NO Travels (except on paper)My oyster binge in L’AMPOLLA, SpainCalifornia’s Historic Highway 395 Classes and presentations via ZOOMA virtual cooking class with Spice and...
From the Kasbah: Let’s celebrate: Fete du Muguet, Mother’s Day and Ramadan 2020
à la française: MAY 1, 2020 WE NEED SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE IN THIS TIME OF COVID-19 at a social distance! BONNE FETE DU MUGUET! American-style MOTHER’s DAY: From May 1 to May, 10th, 2020 Kitty will ship signed copies of her book, Edible Flowers: a Kitchen...
The Kasbah Chronicles: Quarantined edition, March/April 2020
When the going gets tough, the tough get cookin’.... The Kasbah Chronicles: now in its 12th year!Quarantine edition, March/April 2020 (Full disclosure: I started these chronicles 3 weeks ago)Time flies when you are quarantined. Diary of a quarantineMusingsChard and...
The Kasbah Chronicles: January/February 2020
LES CHRONIQUES DE LA KASBAH TWELFTH YEAR DOUXIEME ANNEE Palm trees and snow covered mountains:C'est la Californie du Sud The Kasbah ChroniclesLes Chroniques de la KasbahTwelfth yearDouxième année MUSINGSJanuary/February 2020Travels in Cuba (suite) A night on the...
The last Kasbah Chronicles of the decade: CUBA-December 2019 (a little late)
The Kasbah Chronicles (short version) Entering its 12th yearEntre dans sa douzième annéethe last one of the DECADEMAY YOU LIVE THE NEXT TEN YEARS IN PEACE AND GOOD HEALTHQUE LES DIX PROCHAINES ANNEES VOUS APPORTENT PAIX ET BONNE SANTE Mieux vaut tard que jamaisBetter...
The Kasbah Chronicles: November 2019: Musings on Le Riad au Bord de ‘lOued on Amazon.com, Tapas, and Manzanar
MUSINGS Enfin! Version française. . .Le Riad au Bord de l’Oueden livre electronique sur Amazon.comhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YYLJX2K/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Le+Riad+au+bord+de+Lisez 40 pages Visitez ma page Facebook pour en lire un...
The Kasbah Chronicles: AUGUST 2019 (Morocco and more)
AUGUST 2019 The Kasbah ChroniclesLes Chroniques de la Kasbahen anglais et en françaisNow in its tenth year! Dixième année! Greetings from the oasis of Tinerhir, on Morocco's Kasbah Trail MUSINGS: Revisiting the Kasbah Trail (cont.)Ouarzazate, Marrakech, Essaouira and...