About Kitty

Kitty Morse A bit of text about Kitty that is expanded on in the main bio pages (one in English and one in French).

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And in French (link)

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Newsletter – The Kasbah Chronicles

Kasbah Chronicles February March 2017

If you are nt yet subscribed to my rather eclectic, almost monthly newsletter, just send me an email, and I will add you to my list! THE KASBAH CHRONICLES FEBRUARY/MARCH 2017 Contents: Musings March is French language month Overheard Classes and presentations News of...

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Mieux Vaut Tard que Jamais

("Better late than never.") Dromallama? Camellama? Abdul or Fatima? . . .has lived with us for 40 years. Sometimes outdoors, sometimes in, always a bit tipsy.  It was born and created in Salé, Morocco. OO lala, better late than never. December slipped away, and...

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Kitty’s Books

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