About Kitty

Kitty Morse A bit of text about Kitty that is expanded on in the main bio pages (one in English and one in French).

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And in French (link)

Latest from Kitty

What the French media says about Bitter Sweet: UPDATE

Life has been a whirlwind for a number of reason for the past 5 months, and Bitter Sweet is garnering reviews in French newspapers. I was able to go to France at the beginning of May 2023, on a trip I had been planning for 2 years. Covid put a crimp in my plans, but I...

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Newsletter – The Kasbah Chronicles

Make preserved lemons with me on YOUTUBE

If you have ever wondered how to make REAL Moroccan preserved lemons, or if you still have questions after attending one of my in-person demonstrations, this video will show you exactly how to prepare this uniquely Moroccan condiment:   Cooking at the...

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The Kasbah Chronicles Jan/Feb 2012

February 2 marks La Chandeleur (Candlemas), when crêpes are de rigueur on French tables--a tradition my mother upheld all the while I was growing up in Casablanca. Simply sprinkled a crêpe with a little powdered sugar, and celebrate! Another cause for celebration is...

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The Kasbah Chronicles/November 2011

In time for Thanksgiving My great-grandmother’s Cassolita Winter Squash with Caramelized Onions  Serves 4  This baked squash dish traditionally complements the couscous of Tétouan, a city in Northern Morocco. In our family, cassolita or cazuelita ...

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Kitty’s Books

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