Kitty Morse

Cookbook Author, Food and Travel Writer

Kitty Morse

Cookbook Author, Food and Travel Writer

The Kasbah Chronicles: October November 2020

These seals at Oceanside Harbor have the right idea: Wake me up when COVID is over… MUSINGS The Kasbah Chronicles Les Chroniques de la Kasbah In English and en français Musings Notes on my next cookbook A new twist on a Moroccan classic Links of interest News of...

Briouats for my hero, Neil Armstrong

Briouats for Neil Armstrong By Kitty Morse As many of you know from past Kasbah Chronicle MUSINGS (March 2019), I attended SPACE CAMP on Valentine’s Day weekend 2019, and played at being an astronaut with my friend Pat McArdle, who is, like me, a space “cadet”. This...

The Kasbah Chronicles APRIL 2019

The Kasbah Chronicles Until my return from Morocco. . . I leave behind these gorgeous Vista clouds Contents MUSINGS RECIPE Talks and presentations March slipped away from me. In am in full “packing” mode. We have a full tour! April 23rd to May 2nd, I will be in...

My interview on Pink Pangea

This lovely travel site bills itself as a travel site for women. Very interesting and informative, and they published an interview about Mint Tea and Minarets: a banquet of Moroccan memories Published on Pink Pangea on December 31, 2015 at this link: Indulging in...