
Recent and upcoming events for Bitter Sweet:

And on Feb. 24th, I was honored to be featured on the Zevely Zone, a popular segment on cbs8 San Diego. Thank you Jeff Zevely! Here is the link: cbs8 Zevely Zone and the CW in San Diego...

Upcoming events and signings for Bitter Sweet:

Thank you, readers of Bitter Sweet. The book has generated much interest since it came out February 15, 2023--as I have mentioned previously, I am promoting the book and telling the story in honor and in memory of ancestors who died in the Holocaust, and in honor of my husband who didn't get to...

New museum openings in Morocco 2017

New museum openings in Morocco: So many it makes my head spin. musées enrichiront le paysage culturel après la réouverture du Musée de la Kasbah des cultures méditerranéennes de Tanger et le Musée de l’histoire et des civilisations de Rabat. . . . nous allons...

Winter 2016 Classes and Presentations

Classes and presentations: A handful of kids participated in the Taste of Morocco at the Newport Beach Central Library. Future chefs aged 5 to 11 learned how make a Moroccan carrot salad, couscous with buttermilk and a watermelon and smoothie....

NEW CLASSES, summer 2016

Coming soon, my Alaska schedule for the end of September. BUT: My summer got busier! Le Creuset Outlets is opening a new outlet store in San Clemente, CA. Sunday, July 17, 1 to 3PM Free and open to the public 101 Vista Hermosa Suite 628 San Clemente CA (Next to Starbucks) (949) 441-7474 Contact:...

Classes and presentations Spring and Summer 2016

Classes and book signings: May 14, 2016: Benefit cooking class for the San Diego French-American School. Private event. May 21, 2016. San Diego Herb Society. Members only. Looking ahead: To fun events in June, July, September, and October 2016. Looking back: Culinary Historians of San Diego: Nan...

Cooking Classes and Appearances 2015

Thursday, May 21, 2015: Cardiff Library Cardiff CA 6PM Saturday, May 23: Macy's School of Cooking Camino de la Reina, San Diego Noon-1:30PM March 2015: Cal State Northridge: Art History dept April: Vista High School: Moroccan cuisine Classes and Book signings: Monday, March 9th. 6-7PM. Cooking...

THANKSGIVING or Le Jour de Merci Donnant 2014

I flew across the pond to Morocco in early November to take care of Dar Zitoun, our family riad, 90 kilometres south of Casablanca.  My memoir, Mint Tea and Minarets relates the story of this local landmark which I hadn’t visited in FOUR years. Although Dar Zitoun has been in the family for...

Calling on food fans in Southern California!

Saturday, September 20th, I am participating in the first THE GOURMETZIA™ EXPO event at the Los Angeles Convention Center, South Hall K.  WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, September 20 and 21  Saturday ONLY from noon to 4PM:  Visit with Kitty at the authors’...


Of course, this is a momentous date only for me, and for my mother. I just wanted to hare what being an American means to me after 50 years! This piece was first published in the Los Angeles Times, pre-Internet, I believe! AUGUST 15, 2014  An Immigrant’s story  My first experience with...