About Kitty

Kitty Morse A bit of text about Kitty that is expanded on in the main bio pages (one in English and one in French).

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And in French (link)

Latest from Kitty

Newsletter – The Kasbah Chronicles

The Kasbah Chronicles: Valentine’s edition 2021

MUSINGS The Kasbah Chronicles Les Chroniques de la Kasbah   Happy Valentine’s DAY Bonne Fête de Saint Valentin In Praise of CENTENARIANS Kitty in the media: WineDineandTravel magazine: California’s historic HIGHWAY 395 Podcast with Kitty: Moroccan cuisine: an...

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The Kasbah Chronicles 2020:Thanksgiving—covid go away!

In English and en français Les Chroniques de la Kasbah The Kasbah Chronicles When we could travel: Kitty in Tien An Men square (1984) When we could entertain: My husband built and decorated our Moroccan tent so we could throw our diffas (Moroccan feasts): Yes, that is...

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Kitty’s Books

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